I absolutely hate cancer. It creates so much pain and suffering in this world. When I rode the PMC for the first time in 1993, I started learning about how incredible Dana-Farber is. The Institute’s dual goals of providing extraordinary care for patients and pursuing cutting-edge research give Dana-Farber a unique opportunity to focus on both equally, which accelerates our progress against cancer.
Over the past 30+ years, I have continued to learn more and more about Dana-Farber, and that knowledge has inspired me even more. The Dana-Farber doctors and nurses deliver world-class care, and additionally patients so often comment on how incredibly compassionate the people of Dana-Farber are. On top of that, the world-class research is unparalleled.
Our family is only too typical. My mom had breast cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. My dad had colon cancer. My wife’s mom had breast cancer and melanoma. We want to do everything we can to lessen the pain that families experience from cancer. If we all pull together, this campaign will help Dana-Farber to Defy Cancer!