GivingTuesday raises $1.7 million.

GivingTuesday raises $1.7 million.

Each year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund participates in a worldwide celebration of generosity known as GivingTuesday. And each year, thousands of generous supporters step forward in response. More than 6,500 people across the country gave more than $1.7 million to the Institute during the 2022 GivingTuesday campaign, surpassing the $1 million goal. 

“We are so touched by the outpouring of support for our patients, our staff, and our efforts to support patient care, fund our world class research, and make cancer care more equitable,” said Melany Duval, senior vice president of philanthropy and chief development officer. “Everyone who donated on GivingTuesday is advancing our research and also helping us offer services insurance doesn’t cover—things like social and emotional support, help with housing or groceries, and outreach to ensure that everyone has access to our world-class care.”

Cael, a 3-year-old patient in Dana-Farber’s Jimmy Fund Clinic who has leukemia, was featured during the GivingTuesday campaign. “When your child is sick, the whole family is sick,” said Cael’s mother, Yuli. “But the Jimmy Fund Clinic staff care so much about the children and the parents, too. Cael loves going to the clinic and playing with stickers and Play-Doh.”

Arbella Insurance Group generously matched the first $50,000 in donations—doubling their impact. Among the gifts received for GivingTuesday was a $100,000 donation from an anonymous donor who was inspired to contribute because Dana-Farber is “not only a leader in cancer care, but a model for all health care.”

Begun in 2012 as a day to do good after the post-Thanksgiving days of consumer spending, GivingTuesday has grown into a “global generosity movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity year-round,” according to Dana-Farber joined the movement in 2014 and since that time our generous community of support has contributed a more than $9.8 million to our lifesaving mission.

For more stories about the impact of philanthropy at Dana-Farber, please visit

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