Over $1 million raised from 2023 Palm Beach Annual Appeal.

Over $1 million raised from 2023 Palm Beach Annual Appeal.

Each year, the Palm Beach community generously comes together to raise funds for Dana-Farber. For the 2023 annual Palm Beach fundraising initiative, Palm Beach donors contributed over $1 million to provide access to revolutionary science and extraordinary patient care that change standards of care around the world.

The Palm Beach Appeal provides flexible funds that help Dana-Farber advance early stage research, speed new drugs into clinical trials, recruit and retain top talent, and ensure that all patients receive the full measure of our Total Patient Care.

“Many of us have experienced Dana-Farber’s excellence firsthand, while others have been alongside a loved one through their cancer journey,” says Phyllis Krock, Dana-Farber Trustee and Palm Beach Annual Appeal chairperson. “Our supporters in Palm Beach are proud to come together to support groundbreaking cancer research that can help save lives beyond our community.”

For more stories about the impact of philanthropy at Dana-Farber, please visit DanaFarberImpact.org.

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