Beth Terrana

Beth Terrana

Just over 20 years ago, I attended my first Presidential Symposium session on women’s cancers. Over those two days, I was so incredibly impressed by the dedication, passion and commitment of all the clinicians and researchers I met, that I vowed to help them achieve their goals in any way possible. I then created, with two friends, the Susan F. Smith Center for Women’s Cancers Executive Council to educate women, create advocacy, and raise funds for early stage research. I later joined the board in 2007. During the past 14 years, I have felt privileged to sit on multiple committees as well as chair a board committee. All of these experiences have deepened my resolve to help the senior management team achieve their strategic objectives. Dana-Farber is an extraordinarily unique institution; the teams, dedication to its research mission, and its unique care model, have and will continue to change the trajectory of this disease while providing the best possible holistic patient care.

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