Eric Schlager

Eric Schlager

My personal connection to Dana-Farber began over 30 years ago when my mother was successfully treated for breast cancer. Grateful for her excellent care, I began supporting the Institute with philanthropy and strived to learn more about the incredible research and breakthrough treatments occurring at Dana-Farber.

Since that initial connection, I have expanded my involvement with Dana-Farber on many levels. I have been a dedicated PMC rider for over 20 years, proudly cheered on my wife as a member of the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge Team and our children as they participated in years of PMC Kids rides and the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk.

Today I am proud to serve as a Trustee and can thank the Institute for not only treating my mother but giving many people I care deeply about the gift of hope, time and life. In a world where there are so many worthy recipients, I am honored to donate my philanthropic dollars, my time and my energy (on and off the bike) to Dana-Farber.

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