Jonathan & Jeannie Lavine

Jonathan & Jeannie Lavine

The beginning of our involvement with Dana-Farber started over two decades ago as a patient family when Jonathan’s mother was diagnosed and successfully treated for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It was during this time we witnessed first-hand this incredible work and were deeply inspired by the level of excellence and care surrounding us.

This experience served as a catalyst for our commitment to Dana-Farber and is interwoven with our desire to change the course of cancer for future patients. We are invested TO ENSURE Dana-Farber REMAINS at the forefront of cancer care and treatment. To defeat cancer, the Institute’s efforts to detect and treat cancer before it progresses are absolutely critical.

We are energized to further our partnership with Dana-Farber through our cabinet roles. The work at Dana-Farber CAN save lives everywhere, and WE HOPE WE CAN PLAY a small part of making those miracles happen.

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