Nursing and Clinical Programs

Nursing and Clinical Programs

At Dana-Farber, patients are at the heart of everything we do. This is not just a respectful approach—it is essential to realizing the best-possible health outcomes. It is how Dana-Farber has always operated, and it sets us apart. 

We aspire to build on our strong legacy of innovation in care and develop new, patient-centered solutions that change the way cancer care is delivered. Our opportunity is to be the global model for transformation in oncology care by testing and proving novel ideas and incorporating technologies, new approaches, and new nursing science more fully and powerfully into the care we provide—ultimately improving outcomes for patients everywhere.

​Support through The Dana-Farber Campaign will improve the patient experience by expediting efforts to improve symptom management and quality of life, and by boosting clinical innovation that will improve outcomes and change global standards for care. Campaign funds will also advance health equity, allowing us to expand patient assistance, diversity our clinical teams, and create an environment and workforce that better reflects our full community. In addition, this critical support will bolster career development efforts, helping us create a seamless pipeline of talented and diverse clinicians and allowing us to more fully support our care providers to avoid burnout. 

Together, we can change the future of patient-centered cancer care.

For more information or questions, please contact Nancy Downer.

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