You can make a valuable impact on Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s groundbreaking research and comprehensive patient care through these easy and tax-efficient giving options:
Donor-Advised Funds: Give through your donor-advised fund to maximize your impact on the fight against cancer. Your fund sponsor handles all record-keeping, disbursements, and tax receipts.
Stock or Securities: Make a gift of stock or securities to support a lifesaving mission and avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation of your stock.
Individual Retirement Account: If you or a family member are 70½ or older with an individual retirement account (IRA), you can make a tax-free gift to Dana-Farber directly from your IRA. This is called a qualified charitable distribution.
The FAQs on the SECURE Act: The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was enacted January 1, 2020. With it came many questions for those who are planning for retirement, retired or who are retiring in the near future. Learn More
Life Income Gifts: Earn income for yourself or beneficiaries when you create a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) or Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) to benefit Dana-Farber.
Please call Dana-Farber’s Philanthropy office at 617-632-6099, or email Kimberly Mougenel.